Our Kids Matter!

Empowering youth transitioning from foster care with comprehensive mental health support, educational resources, and life skills training for a brighter future.

Comprehensive Mental Health Support

Providing personalized counseling, therapy, and support groups to ensure emotional and psychological well-being.

Empowering Futures

Guiding youth to build stable, fulfilling lives through targeted support and continuous mentorship.

Educational Resources

Offering scholarships, tutoring, and college preparation workshops to help youth achieve their academic goals.

Life Skills Training

Equipping young adults with essential skills like financial literacy, job readiness, and housing assistance for independent living.

Our Services


Offering trauma-informed counseling to address the unique emotional and psychological needs of youth transitioning from foster care.

Emotional Support

Providing compassionate emotional support through peer groups and one-on-one mentorship to help youth build resilience and self-confidence.


Promoting holistic wellness through mindfulness practices and stress management techniques to foster overall well-being.

From Care to Independence with Compassion

At B.A.L.M., we are dedicated to supporting young adults transitioning from foster care to independent adulthood. Our mission is to provide comprehensive mental health services, educational resources, and life skills training to empower these resilient individuals to build stable and fulfilling lives.

“Before I found B.A.L.M., I felt lost and overwhelmed by the challenges of transitioning out of foster care. The counseling sessions helped me address my trauma and build emotional resilience. The life skills training provided me with the practical tools I needed to secure stable housing and find a job. Thanks to B.A.L.M., I now have a support system that believes in me and has empowered me to take control of my future.”

— Alex, 22

Why Choose Us

Tailored Support

Personalized counseling and mentorship designed specifically for youth transitioning from foster care

Holistic Approach

Comprehensive services that address mental health, emotional well-being, and life skills development

Proven Impact

Demonstrated success in empowering young adults to achieve stability and independence.

Get involved and make a difference!

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